Dan Rodgers.

FBA Seller, Investor, Content Creator.

About Dan

Dan started his business when he was still in South Africa. He sold his car to fund his first order and has grown the business substantially. The cost of his first inventory order was $3,000. Now, a single order can cost $33,000. Notably, he has taken a review banned product from doing $0 up to the point of doing $20,000 in 7 days

He has also consulted with an estimated 1,000 sellers, one on one, some of them now do a staggering $3M + per year on Amazon.

Dan's Areas
Amazon FBA100%
Branding & TM100%
Product Research95%
Sourcing & Shipping80%
Listing Optimization100%
PPC & Ads85%
Success with Seller Support10%
Mistakes with Amazon100%
Value Investing90%
Work/Life Balance10%
Crypto Support100%
80's Music80%
Film & Cameras90%
Board Sports100%

His no BS, no hard-selling approach has separated him from much of the “guru” crowd and is strongly attested to by his 10,000 subscribers on YouTube as you can see below:

Dan believes strongly in having a long-term mindset. From his physical product business to his personal approach to investing. This principle is also shown well in his commitment to putting out quality content for free despite his slow rise on YouTube.

When asked about what makes his YouTube channel different, Dan said:

“I don’t sell dreams, I don’t continually upsell and I’m honest with my audience even if it means slower growth. Yes, dream selling works, unfortunately, and it’s even worse when it’s sold by someone who doesn’t practice what they preach. I’ve realised that we’re not for the silver bullet seekers, in fact, I don’t want them because I don’t have the silver bullet they seek. It doesn’t exist. As people realize this, I believe our channel will attract more and more of who we are actually looking for: The motivated, dedicated seller looking for strategies they can actually use.

Our subscribers have said many times that our free content on YouTube is better than what they find in their paid courses. I’m humbled by that and think it speaks volumes. I love my subscribers, I know most creators probably say that, but mine are truly wonderful, as much as I give them, they give back in their heartfelt comments. That’s when I know I am on the right track.”

What subscribers say about the Content:

When asked why someone should subscribe to his channel, Dan said:

“Value. Honesty. Quality. In terms of value, I avoid putting out content for the sake of content. I’m a seller, so I know what sellers want to know. In terms of honesty, I just tell people exactly like it is, not what they want to hear. Running a business is one of the hardest things they’ll ever do, they need to know that so they’re prepared when the sh** hits the fan, because it will. When it comes to quality, we feel it’s worth ensuring both, video and audio, quality is excellent. Listening to a talking head can be tiresome though, so my brother and I employ something we’ve dubbed “eduting”, educational editing, through this we use graphics and imagery to enhance the learning process and knowledge retention.”

What subscribers say about the Quality:






Total Views



A No-BS Approach

As a ballpark figure, Dan’s US account turned $50,000 last month with profit margins averaging 34%.